It is important that you don’t fast forcefully . If you observe the natural cycle of the body, there is something called a mandala. The mandala means that every 40 to 48 days, the system goes through a certain cycle. In every cycle, there are three days when your body does not need food . If you are conscious of how your body functions, you will become aware that on these days, your body does not need food. And without effort, you can go without food on that day. If you are constantly drinking coffee or tea, then, if you fast, it will become torture for you; fasting will be very difficult. So if you want to fast, first of all prepare the body by eating the right kind of foods. Embed this infographic Infographic - Ekadashi Once in every 11 to 14 days , you may not feel like eating. On that day, you should not eat. You know, even dogs and cats have this awareness? Have you noticed that on particular days, they will not eat? They are aware of their system. On the day the syst...