Photography Tutorial - 5 Secrets For Getting Off The AUTO Mode

Exposure compensation (brightness level) "+" (brigther)  /  "-" (darker) button for a brighter or darker photo

ISO (sensitivity to light, the higher number he more sensitive) - higher ISO is necessary to have sharper object when photographing in low light or when you dont have a tripod (Trade-off - higher ISO reduce quality, keep ISO low when not necessary to increase).

ISO guide:-
- Normal daylight - ISO100 to 200
- Mid morning or mid afternoon - ISO 400
- Inside building or sunset or sunrise - ISO 800 or 1600 will give sharper photo
- Before sunrise or sunset - use maximum ISO

Aperture Priority mode - how much background blurr you want
- Low f-stop (large opening, lowest number) gives a lot of background blur
- F8 sweet, universal aperture, gives a lot of sharpness/focus when photographing many object/people who are at difference distance from your camera

Shutter speed priority mode
- Smooth and silky/blurry, set to s-mode, slow speed (i.e. 1 sec), lowest ISO, keep camera still (tripod or firm platform), not in daytime light
- Freeze, use fast shutter speed (i.e 1/250), high ISO (800 / 1600 / 3200)

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