
Showing posts from June, 2019

Use Aperture Priority To Take Stunning Photos

Photograohy Tutorial - 3 Advanced Techniques For Stunning Photos

Moving blurry object (motion blur photogragh) with sharp background in daylight shooting 1. Use low shutter speed 2. Use Aperture priority mode with highest f-stop 3. Use low ISO for low shutter speed selection 4. Tripod "Panning" - moving subject remain in focus while having blur background During low light (sunset/sunrise) to have low shutter-speed, shutter-priority mode "Light trail" anything that is moving with bright light- long shutter speed for very blurry light, aperture priority, lowest ISO (100/200), highest f-stop number, tripod/solid platform

Photography Tutorial - 5 Secrets For Getting Off The AUTO Mode

Exposure compensation (brightness level) "+" (brigther)  /  "-" (darker) button for a brighter or darker photo ISO (sensitivity to light, the higher number he more sensitive) - higher ISO is necessary to have sharper object when photographing in low light or when you dont have a tripod (Trade-off - higher ISO reduce quality, keep ISO low when not necessary to increase). ISO guide:- - Normal daylight - ISO100 to 200 - Mid morning or mid afternoon - ISO 400 - Inside building or sunset or sunrise - ISO 800 or 1600 will give sharper photo - Before sunrise or sunset - use maximum ISO Aperture Priority mode - how much background blurr you want - Low f-stop (large opening, lowest number) gives a lot of background blur - F8 sweet, universal aperture , gives a lot of sharpness/focus when photographing many object/people who are at difference distance from your camera Shutter speed priority mode - Smooth and silky/blurry, set to s-mode , slow spee...

Agama org Melayu

2 Simple Tricks You Need To Know To Stop Overeating

Image Posted on: May 30, 2018 at 2:13 pm Last updated: August 23, 2018 at 2:07 pm It’s no secret that the amount of food you eat affects your weight. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that for the last 30 years the rise of obesity has been parallel to the portion size of foods.  Portion control  can be challenging, it’s hard to say no to a second helping especially when your body is feeling hungry. The best way to control portion sizes is to trick your body into feeling full so it tells your mind to stop eating.  Here are 2 tricks you can use to stop overeating and feel full without having to change your diet! Trick #1: Eat On A Smaller Plate To help trick your body into thinking you’re eating more all you have to do is change your plate size, it’s that easy! Eating your meal on a smaller plate won’t change the amount of food your eating but ...

Entomologist Explains How Common House Spiders Can Actually Keep Our Homes Safer

Image Posted on: May 31, 2018 at 2:08 pm Last updated: June 20, 2018 at 9:53 am Admit it, you’ve jumped and screamed when a spider has crawled along the floor next to your foot. Whether you’re a spider-lover or not, we’ve all done it. Humans are biologically hardwired to fear these creepy crawlies, it’s how we’ve survived and thrived as a species. But, before you grab that rolled-up piece of newspaper, I urge you to reconsider, because common house spiders could be saving you in ways that you didn’t even consider. Matt Bertone is an entomologist; in other words, a person who studies insects. He and his team conducted a visual survey of 50 North Carolina homes to see which spiders like to live in our homes. The result? Every single home had spiders, and the most common were cobweb spiders and cellar spiders. So, as much as we like to think that our front doors separate us from the outside wor...

Health practice - Tapping behind the head

Getting rid of your computer, phone, laptop?


National school has become religious school


1. Adakah pencen boleh difaraidkan / diwasiatkan? Tidak – pencen tidak boleh diwasiatkan atau difaraidkan kerana ia bukan harta pusaka. (Punca kuasa – Seksyen 19, Akta Pencen 1980 (Akta 227) dan Muzakarah JawatanKuasa Fatwa Kali ke-21 (12 September 1988)) 2. Adakah faedah persaraan boleh dicukaikan? Ganjaran – tidak dicukaikan GCR – tidak dicukaikan Pencen – Diterima mulai usia 55 tahun tidak dicukaikan, sebelum umur 55 tahun boleh dicukaikan (Punca Kuasa – Seksyen 127, Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 (Akta 53) dan Jadual 6 Akta 53) 3. Apa yang boleh dipotong dari faedah persaraan? Hutang-hutang kerajaan, tuntutan nafkah atas perintah mahkamah dan potongan insolvensi bagi kes kebangkrapan. (Punca kuasa – seksyen 19, Akta Pencen 1980 (Akta 227)) 4. Pesara atau penerima pencen dipenjarakan, adakah pencen dihentikan? Ya – penerima pencen tidak layak menerima pencen sehinggalah mendapat pengampunan. Walau bagaimanapun, Elaun Tanggungan boleh dipertimbangkan kepada tanggungan yang layak. (Punca ...

Never argue with a fool

1. never poke a person/thing lying peacefully 2. never argue with a fool 3. never try to prove your point to a fool

4 Useful Freeware to Check and Repair Bad Sectors on SSD Drives

Image By   Tracey Rosenberger   – Posted on   Jun 21, 2019   in   Windows It’s frustrating to deal with a computer that is freezing, won’t boot, or has information that is unreadable. There can be any number of issues that could be causing these issues, and determining the cause is not always easy. One of the issues you should check for is the presence of any bad sectors on your hard disk. Bad Sectors Bad sectors occur when a portion of the hard disk can no longer be written to or read. When you store something on the hard drive, the information is saved on more than one sector, which may or may not be adjacent to one another. If any sector with information from that file is damaged, it will be impossible to access that file without errors occurring. The bad sectors of a hard drive cause poor performance and overheating of your PC because it is very difficult to read the data ...

Tips Memilih Durian


A Color Test That Can Tell Your Mental Age: How Old Is Your Brain?

Image by Healthy Holistic Living Published on February 9,2018 Share on facebook Share on Facebook How old are you?   We know – it’s not always polite to ask someone they age. But did you know there is actually more than one way to answer that question? In fact, there are three types of age. Chronological age refers to the number of years you’ve been alive (i.e., the answer almost every gives). Biological age refers to how old your body feels. Lastly, mental age refers to how old your brain feels. Some of you are believers that age is merely a number for the very reasons we just mentioned. You could be younger yet feel older and vice versa. But of all three types of ages, one of them is harder to pinpoint:   mental age . So, we’ve put together a quick visual test to help you figure out how old your brain really is. Do You   Really   Know Your Mental Age? All you have to do is cho...