
Showing posts from 2020

Here’s How To Get Your Money Back If You Accidentally Transferred It To The Wrong Account!

It’s not something that happens often, but the chance of it never happening to you isn’t impossible either. Besides, you know of at least one person that has made this exact mistake: transferring money to the wrong bank account.  You’re lost as to what to do next so all you can do is cry over your lost money.  Why must something so convenient be so easy to mess up?  Well, don’t worry because the way to fix a mishap like that is simple! 1. First, once you realize you’ve made the transfer wrongly, immediately make a police report. It’s important to be as detailed as possible when making the police report. The wrong bank account, the amount of money transferred, how and when the money was transferred are just some of the things you’ll need to include in the report. Make sure not to miss out anything! 2. With your police report in hand, visit the nearest branch for the bank your account is registered to. Explain your situation to the st...

After Twitter Poll Goes Badly Awry, Christian Group Blames Satan

Image BIZARRE   |    NEWS   |    SPIRITUALITY    |    FEB 19, 2020 AT 8:07 AM. "Satanists and Atheists piled on this poll and have begun leaving vile messages as well.” ELIAS MARAT Photo credit: Craig Cloutier, Flickr 1.6K Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email ( TMU )  — An organization that claims to represent Christian lawmakers in the U.S. is crying foul after a Twitter poll asking if the country would be better with more elected officials of the Christian faith went hilariously off the rails. While the group only has a humble 277 followers on Twitter, it still decided to put the question to a vote among the broader Twitterverse—opening itself to the certainty that it would fall victim to a good old-fashioned “poll-jacking” which happens when a large group on social media intentionally subverts an attemp...

Scientists in Britain May Have Just “Accidentally” Found a Cure for Cancer

"Previously nobody believed this could be possible." TYLER DURDEN 6.4K Shares Facebook Twitter Reddit Email ( ZH )  — Every once in a while, medical researchers simply have a stroke of good luck. In  this case , that stroke of good luck could have a profound effect on the medical community. Researchers at Cardiff University were in the midst of analyzing blood from a bank when they accidentally stumbled into an  “entirely new type of T-cell.”  The new cell carries a  “never before seen”  type of receptor that acts like a grappling hook, latching on to most human cancers.  Prior therapies, called CAR-T and TCR-T, which use immune cells to attach to HLA molecules on cancer cells’ surface, are incapable of fighting solid tumors, the article notes. HLA molecules vary in people, but the new therapy instead attaches to a molecule called MR1, which does not vary in humans. This gives the therapy a chance of fighting most cancer...